
Your Best Software
Testing Partner

Maximize application potential through end-to-end software testing

Software house

Having trouble testing the end of software development, but chasing a timely release time?

At Smartek Sistem, we have software testing service solutions for the entire spectrum of software quality. From end-to-end manual testing to automation in CI/CD frameworks. Our team of engineers works to implement the industry’s best methods and processes in an effective and efficient manner

We ensure your app not only works but can reach its full potential

Our Services

01 Manual testing

Targeted testing systems in Visual Experience, exploratory, usability and ad-hoc scopes. Find errors in your app before release

02 Automated testing

Run hundreds to thousands of step test scenarios with an experienced engineering team. Speed up the testing process through an automation framework


Smartek Software Testing Process

Plan, Process & Tools

Meet your application test plan needs with Smartek. Get a detailed test plan, including execution scope for features, functionality, acceptance criteria, and test scenarios. You can propose a test method plan, manual or automated, according to the company's priorities and goals

Run Tests

We don't just run tests, we investigate every error. If a bug is found, we provide a document with step repro, screen recorder, and logs. You get detailed reports that the development team can immediately act on

Report & Communicate

Periodic progress reports and timely communication. Make sure you know the exact limitations and quality of your software

The advantages of the Smartek Sistem software testing service

  1. Expert engineer
  2. End-to-end software testing solutions
  3. Comprehensive test plan
  4. In-depth and detailed bug reports
  5. Delivery on time

Facts about Software Testing

Facts about Software Testing
Bug discovery in early phase, prevent company material loss compared to late discovery after app launch

Source: Indium Software

The company experienced a 24% increase in ROI after conducting automated testing

Source: Software Testing News

Bug reports are the most common test documentation for 79% of companies

Source: The QA Lead

Our Clients

A company under Yummy Corp that has Cloud kitchen services to help expand the culinary business. We help with automation testing solutions for the Yummy Shop application using the Appium and Selenium frameworks

Total Test Case: 1927
Runtime: 2 Months

Protergo is a company that focuses on Cyber Security. We help provide Manual testing solutions for Sentinel applications that can protect mobile devices from virus attacks and threats

Total Test Case: 37
Runtime: 10 days, with scenario creation

Know your app’s vulnerabilities and fix them quickly.
Contact our Expertise and consult your problem now!

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